Time For A Vacation

We are in mid July now and long weekends, holidays and vacations are beginning to commence. Whether you are Canadian or American, you just celebrated your countries birthday and if you are like a large number of people, summer holidays are just around the corner.
Every year, we sit down as a family to Family Plan our summer holidays (unless of course, we have organized a larger trip like NYC, Boston, or Ireland). If we have chosen a staycation for our summer holidays, we all sit down and present a list of fun events, must-do’s, or would like to do over a two week period.
A Sample of Previous Summer Holiday Ideas:
- Cottage
- Westport Ontario
- Watertown NY
- Movies
- Date Nights (Me with our son and my husband with our daughter)
- Picnics
- Zoo
- Thousand Islands Cruise
- Girls day getting our nails done
- Shopping excursion
- Escape Room
Those are just a sample of the many ideas we have come up with over the years. We are coming up to our summer holidays and our family planning is in the works. There may still be a few limitations as to what we may be able to do this summer, but whatever we choose as a family will ultimately be fantastic.
Are you stuck on what to do this summer as a family? Try our idea. Sit down as a family and have a brainstorming session. No idea is a bad one. Each of you spend some time alone writing down any idea that comes to mind and pick a time to meet together and brainstorm. Print out a calendar and pick the top 6-8 (more if you’d like) must-do’s and write them down. You’ll end up having the best family vacation since everyone’s ideas were taken into account. Everyone had a hand in the decision-making. Summer memories at its best.
Vacations are not only beneficial for the soul, but also for the mind. Sometimes, you need a vacation from the every day mundane in order to become more creative or to be more inspired. Your mind needs a break as well.
So on that note, as I head into vacation mode. I will be putting away my typing fingers for a short time while I spend some quality time with my family. Do not fret. I’ll be back sometime in August with some fresh new blogs, but in the mean time, feel free to read back on my old ones if you are just joining me.