Happy New Year!

happy new year

We are days into 2023 and I can already tell that this year is going to be an amazing year.  How do I know that?  It’s in the mindset.  I believe that 2023 will be a fantastic year, so it will be.  It will not only be fantastic and amazing, it will also be a definite happy new year.

Don’t count the days, make the days count… Muhammad Ali

In past years – the first few January blogs are all about dreams, dream boards, a dream box, and setting goals.  While all of these things are a great way to start the new year, what or how would you be if you began those resolutions months ago?  Why is it the ‘norm’ to begin your dreams, set new goals, or start something new on January 1st?

Months ago, I overheard my husband and son talking about this – begin your New Year’s resolution early and stick with it all throughout the year.  This is a fantastic mindset to have.  The pressure of the January 1 resolution is so heavy that most people do not achieve their goals.  Only about 9-12 % of people actually stick to their resolutions that are made on January 1. Why is that? 

When making resolutions, mindset (as mentioned earlier) is a huge deciding factor on sticking with your goals:  

  • Are you positive?
  • Do you set goals at all?
  • What kind of goals do you set?
  • Are you realistic?
  • Do you dream big?
  • Do you dream small?
  • How is your self-talk?
  • Do you talk negative about others?
  • Do you judge others?
  • Do you motivate yourself?
  • Do you have movitivating friends or family?

Reflecting on those above questions can and will set your mindset.  If you are negative, unfocussed, or bad mouthing yourself…. You have just lowered the bar and your chance of successfully achieving an amazing goal or dream for yourself has quite possibly failed. Staying positive, encouraging others, keeping focused and staying motivated can only enhance your chance of achieving your goals.  

For me, I truly believe that 2023 will be a happy new year. I set goals all throughout the year – not just in January.  Plus! My husband and I have ‘couple’ goals as well (a great thing to do if you have a significant other).    

Here’s what I mean:

  • I stay positive – key factor.
  • I plan out goals for myself (blog ideas, vlog ideas, places to travel to, books to read, gym programs to follow, new recipes to try).
  • My husband and I plan out holidays together – time off, travel ideas, family fun ideas, conference ideas.
  • I encourage others in their goal setting and/or dreams
  • I write down my ideas, dreams, and goals.

Those are just a few ideas of how I stay motivated and go after my dreams and goals.  It helps to have your spouse, a friend or a co-worker as a ‘goal’ partner for those encouraging moments that you may need from time to time.  

Another great idea is following what my husband and son were discussing.  Start before January 1.  Be a trend setter by starting something new before January 1.  You don’t have to wait until the new year to start. You can start early.   Encourage your family or friends to join you on this.  You’ll be amazed at how easy it is achieving your goals if you start them early. I know, I know… it is already January so now what? Well, just keep these tips in mind for ALL of 2023.  

Some helpful tips in achieving this (as pointed out by my son’s YouTube post) are:

  1. Begin your New Year’s Resolution early – don’t wait until January 1.  (so… as you go about 2023 – don’t have the mindset of … “Oh, I’ll start that in the new year”.  Begin Now!
  2. Choose the ‘today’ mindset.  If you wait until ‘tomorrow’ you will never achieve your goal.  Choose the ‘today’ mindset and you will achieve what you want to achieve. Choosing ‘today’ builds the discipline needed to achieve the dream you want to achieve.
  3. Steps of 3: 3 days at a time, 3 weeks at a time, or 3 months at a time.  Organize your goals in that mindset and you will have a higher chance of success.

Having a clear and positive mindset is a key factor in achieving your dreams and goals.  You can also follow my Dream Boards and Dream Box blogs for more inspiration or helpful tips.  I am always here to help. If you are stuck in your goal setting, need encouragement, or just an inspiring message, click the ‘I Need Encouragement’ button below.  If you are stuck with your fitness goals and need help with that – follow my son’s Youtube Channel and you’ll be certain to become inspired with his help – click his button below to be directed there.

Happy New Year.  

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