Building Dreams With Broken Pieces

dreams from broken pieces

We are now well into January.  Did you have any New Year’s Resolutions this year?  What about dreams you want to pursue?  Have you ever done a vison board or dream box?  It is important to dream or set goals as it gives you purpose and something to strive for. But!  On the flip side, have you ever had your dreams broken?

Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story… Anonymous.

Each January, I create, update or redo a vison board – things that I would love to do, see, accomplish, or try either in the current year, or sometime in the future.  Interestingly enough, many of my ‘dreams’ seem to be travel based.  (I laugh at this each year.  As you may have read in previous years, I do love to travel and I hope to see many interesting spots around the world someday). Also, on my vision board are fitness goals, home improvement goals, fun family or couple outings I’d love to do, and inspiring or creative dreams which are desires deep in my soul. 

A dream box is basically the same idea, except you write your dreams on a piece of paper and slip them into a box.  Either concept is a perfect way to gather up all of your dreams and goals stirring in that brain and heart of yours and get it down on paper, digitally on your iPad, or in a box. You will find, once it is taken out of your brain and onto something concrete – it is one step forward in accomplishing that goal.  It is one step closer to accomplishing that dream.

What goes onto a Vison Board or into a Dream Box?

You can categorize your dreams any way you wish.  The more specific you are, the more detailed your board will be and the chances of you seeing that dream come true will be easier to grasp.  Below are a sample of categories to go by:

  • Fitness goals
  • Travel dreams
  • Financial goals
  • Renovation dreams
  • Career goals
  • Family goals
  • Couple goals
  • Spiritual goals

To see more about the how-to’s of creating your Vision Board or Dream Box, click the links below:

Here’s a look at my 2025 vision board.  Creating it each year brings so much excitement to what the year may bring.  It is also fun to sit down with your spouse and go over them together. You just may find you both have similar dreams outlined and doing them together – as a couple – adds even more joy and excitement.  

As you step into this fun activity, remember – there are no bad dreams.  No out of reach dreams.  No silly or ridiculous dreams.  If you have something on your heart or in your brain, write it down. ALL dreams are GOOD dreams.  

While I was preparing for my 2025 dreams and goals, I came across this quote that I had written down some time ago. I am unsure where I heard it, but it became the premise of this week’s blog:

If your dreams get broken, you need to build new dreams with the broken pieces… Anonymous.

What if your dreams get broken? What if something occurs and that one main dream you had never happens?  What do you do?  

At first, you may feel deflated, discouraged, or even angry or sad.  You may just want to give up and listen to that little voice in your head telling you this is why you don’t go after dreams.  (That is a complete LIE by the way).  

Stop. Refocus. Breathe.

If your dreams get broken, if may be difficult and it may seem impossible, but you need to dig deep and make a new dream with the broken pieces.  God will only let you achieve the dream that is set forth in your life’s plan. So, if a dream – a dream you thought you had – gets broken or shattered – build a new dream with those shattered pieces.

I believe when doing that, you will find the most glorious of dreams created.  

Many artists strive to find broken glass or pieces from a once beautiful bowl or vase only to create a striking mosaic picture or something beautiful from the heart.  Or another way of looking at it is how piecing together a puzzle may seem difficult or confusing, but as the seemingly broken pieces all fit together – it begins to paint a vision of beauty.  

The creativity taken from one’s broken dream is transformed into a new beautiful dream, which is what can – and will – happen with you. So, as you sit down and create your 2025 dreams and goals, remember that even if one or some goals don’t come to fruition or if one dream gets shattered or broken along the way, take those broken pieces and create a new more glorious dream. Every step you take is a journey and the journey to each dream you have set for yourself gets pieced together like a glorious puzzle waiting to portray a vision so beauiful that it shines. The year 2025, will be a the most facinating year accomplishing all that you dream of.

To read more about Dreams and Goals, click HERE

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