A Pivot


Do you feel like you have a purpose?  Are you doing the things you love or want to do, or are you just going through the motion day to day?  You could even be struggling back and forth like a pivot trying to doing something you love, but then reverting back to things you ‘have’ to because of your job or family life.  If this is you, you may need a refocus.

A pivot is a change in strategy without a change in vision… Eric Ries.

No matter what life says, or the world says – you were destined to change the world and make a difference.  I recently finished reading an amazing devotional called Hallelujah and Hiccups. Her writing and insight is so real that most times, it was like she was speaking directly to me.  During this 14-day devotional, she was speaking about being a game changer.  If what you are currently doing is not pushing you forward towards your purpose, then it could be a detour.  It could be a pivot that is causing you to get off track.  It is here that you need to ask yourself what is working and what is not?  

Oftentimes, we think success means climbing the ladder – and to be completely successful – it is how fast you can do that climb.  In reality, reaching and fulfilling your purpose may not require an upward climb, but more of a lateral shift.  A purposeful pivot in a new direction in order for you to honestly evaluate your direction.  

Is what you are currently doing fulfilling your purpose?

Is what you are currently doing aligning with your values?

Is what you are currently doing adding peace and calm or adding stress?

Is what you are currently doing sparking joy?

If you are unsure on your purpose, or even re-evaluating your current day to day – you may be within a pivot right now. It is here where you may require prayer and even guidance from a loved one or mentor.  The nice thing about a pivot is that it swings both ways.  If you decide to make a purposeful shift in a new direction and it does not work out, then simply pivot back.  Trying something new is not a bad thing.  It can actually push you in the right direction that is necessary to fulfill your life’s purpose.  

Life is full of adventures and decisions and your life’s purpose will shine through.  It’s in whatever sparks you the most joy and fills your cup each day.  

That could be:

  • Being the best mom you can be to your little ones
  • Volunteering at your church or food bank
  • Being a good friend to someone struggling
  • Baking cookies for your neighbours
  • Helping others gain their life back with a health focus

Whatever it is that sparks joy in your life, go now and do it!  You will soon see that by doing so, your day will be rejuvenated rather than drained.  You’ll feel refreshed, not burnt out.  Your heart will be full, not empty.  Others will soon see your happiness and love and will want to mimic the person you are or have become.  Go, be the person you were destined to be.  Take that purposeful pivot if you need to and go find your purpose that has always been waiting for you.  

To read more about finding your purpose, click the links below:

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