Look Up.. Way Up.

role model, mentor, looking up to others

I remember as a child, being small and always having to physically look up to others.  I never thought I’d be big enough to look eye to eye someday. Now that I am, there are still those who I look up to (but not in the physical sense).  How about you?  Do you look up to anyone?  Do you need to look up… way up? Or is that an easy question to answer?  

Sometimes I just look up, smile and say “I know that was you”.  Anonymous

Another way to look at it is…. Are you the type of person others look up to?  I strive to be that person.  I strive to be the kind of person who can be a role model to my daughter and her friends. I strive to be a role model to my son – so he can look for someone of similar qualities to share his life with.  I strive to always be committed, loving and kind for my husband.  I strive to spread love and joy to others.  I strive to be a daisy – the friendliest flower in the bunch.

You’d be surprised who may be watching you or looking up to you.  It could be a friend, a neighbour, or a co-worker.  It could be a child in your subdivision, the teenage grocery clerk at the supermarket, or a friend of your child’s.  Someone is always looking up to you so don’t let that person down. Be the person you were created to be so others can become who they are meant to be.

Unsure how to be a Role Model?  Below are some traits to strive for:

  • Don’t be afraid to be unique
  • Have values and stick to them
  • Communicate and interact with everyone
  • Demonstrate confidence and leadership
  • Show respect and concern for others
  • Be knowledgeable and well-rounded
  • Have humility and admit to mistakes
  • Serve/help otherse
  • Be passionate
  • Never stop learning

Those are just a few, but can give you a glimpse of some qualities that can inspire others around you.

Growing up, I had some amazing role models – both female and male.  I was always wanting to learn and become the best version of myself.  Below is a list of some influential people throughout my years – (besides my amazing husband whom I look up to and strive to be more like everyday with his spontaneity, love of God, and huge heart for others – epecially myself and our kids. He is and will always be my platinum role model):

  1. My Mom:  She taught me to work hard, that I could do anything I wanted, and how important family is. She was always presentable, welcoming and so giving. She would drop anything to help me when I needed her.
  2. A neighbour’s daughter when I was 5 – she was a flight attendant.  For the longest time I always wanted to be a flight attendant. I never became one, but I do have a love of travel. Maybe that is where it came from.
  3. Mrs Cockburn – my grade 2 teacher.  She had a way of making us dream and could not only teach well with regards to our studies, but taught with such a loving and caring manner.
  4. Mr Suggitt – my high school chemistry teacher.  He was a hard teacher, expected the best from us, but he was always so encouraging and helpful.
  5. My Dad.  My dad could always make me laugh – still can.  When I was young, I would tag along during car rides listening to Crystal Gayle on the 8 track and whenever I hear her now, I think of him.  He encouraged me, guided me, and taught me to be the person I am today.  As a child, I would look up in awe, laughing at his jokes and being amazed at his kind, generous and forgiving nature.  Even today as an adult – I look up to him.  Maybe not physically anymore – I’m taller now, but I still look up, way up, to him.   

So, who are your role models? Who do you look up to?  This week’s blog is important to me because one of my role model’s – my Dad – it’s his birthday today.  So, happy birthday Dad! 


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