

Are you a dreamer?  Do you like adventure?  Do you have hobbies or passions?  Inspiration is a key factor in any of these questions. What inspires you?  Where do you get your inspiration from?  

Make your life a masterpiece. Imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do – Brian Tracy.

I am writing this blog from the peacefulness of our cottage. Soft wind blowing. Birds chirping. Waves lapping onto shore. I must admit that I do get quite a few blog inspirations while I am here. The fresh air and change in scenery seems to spark ideas. 

I started this blog in January of 2020 with my first post in March of that year. It was a dream of mine to write and share my thoughts or knowledge. I get excited each week when a new blog is about to be posted and I get excited when a new topic comes to mind. That is one of my passions. Another is travel. Hence, the luggage part of my blog title.   My family would admit that I could research travel locations for hours. I dream of places to visit or see in the future.   These places also create inspiration for new ideas to write about. 

What inspires you?

For me, inspiration can come to me from a variety of aspects: 

  • Songs
  • Quotes
  • Movies
  • Books
  • TV shows
  • Travel
  • A friend
  • My children
  • My husband
  • A worldly event
  • The Bible
  • A devotional
  • A picture
  • A recipe

Those are just a glimpse into what inspires me. 

I believe everyone needs inspiration.  You need to be able to dream of something and be inspired to see if it can happen.  Inspiration can fill your soul with hope, joy, creativity, new possibilities, and new perceptions on your own life.  It can give you that spark you have been searching for.  It can change you from being dull to being excited.  It can be vital to your life.  

What inspires you? 

What are you passionate about? 

Do you write?



Build crafts?  

I’d love to hear about what inspires you and what you do with that inspiration.  Click the button below and share some of your dreams and inspirations.  You just may inspire me on a new blog topic or to try something new.  

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