Fitness In Your 40’s

fitness in your 40's, core exercises, saveon fitness

After brainstorming this summer for blog ideas,  I thought that once a month I would write about fitness in your 40’s.  If you are like me, I often get stuck or I plateau with regards to new fitness ideas.  I am always on the search for new, fun and challenging exercise plans. 

You don’t get the ass you want by sitting on it – unknown

Where do I find new exercise plans or ideas? I often use the Nike App on my phone or I dive into Pinterest for endless ‘pinning’ of HIIT, Cardio, Kettlebell, or Everyday workout ideas.

I recently started a new core routine, which I incorporate into my weekly routine once a week.  It is a rowing, plank, and kettlebell circuit.  It is a circuit I can make as challenging as I wish or I can ease back if I want to.  Prior to doing this circuit, I either bike for 3 km or I run for 10 minutes for a warm up.  

This is what you will need:

  • Rowing Machine
  • Yoga Mat
  • 15-20 lb Kettlebell


  1. Row for 500m
  2. 30 sec to 1.25 minute plank
  3. 25 kettlebell swings

(Repeat 4 times)

Once the circuit is complete, you will have rowed 2 km, performed up to 5 minutes in planks and finished off with 100 kettlebell swings.  Some ways to challenge yourself during this circuit is by increasing your rowing speed (trying to complete the 500m in less than a timed goal – My 500m is usually in the 3:00 to 3:20 minute range), changing your regular plank to side planks, or even increasing the kettlebell weight.  Doing any of these will challenge your workout and its difficulty.  

If you are just starting out, you may want to ease into it or you may need to modify for injury purposes.

Some ways to modify the exercises would be:

  • Decrease the length/distance of your row
  • Plank Modification: on hands and knees, extend left leg and right arm out simultaneously without arching your back. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with opposite leg and arm.
  • Squats instead of kettlebell swings either with or without a weight

I find this core workout a fun and challenging addition to one of my weekly fitness days. Rowing can burn fat on the entire body and is an excellent way to engage your abs and core as a whole (wrapping around your entire body and stabilizing your waist). An overall excellent full body cardio exercise for fitness in your 40’s or any age group.

Do you have a fun or challenging workout routine that you would like to share? If so, click the link below. I’d love to hear about it. As I mentioned above, I am always searching for ways to change up my workouts.  Check out a previous Fitness Blog for more ideas.

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