A Guided Drift

Have you ever been on a path – a road – a journey and you kept encountering road blocks? Or that path seemed to have lost its luster? The excitement was gone (or really… it never was there to begin with)? You just may be on the wrong path – the wrong road – the wrong journey. God may be steering you in a different direction. He may be nudging you to see something different. Or just open your eyes to what was in you all along. It’s a guided drift in your current situation that could explode into a whole new world of passion and excitement.
All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them – Walt Disney
I just finished a devotional – Mr. Rogers And The Call To Create. It was so inspiring. Fred Rogers was called to serve others. He originally thought he would become a Pastor. He was well on his ‘path’ to becoming a Pastor. However, he saw his first television show and this caused him to ‘drift’ in his path. He called this a ‘guided drift’. It was the idea that while it is good and wise to make plans, one needed to live a life that was open to change – led by God. This ‘drift’ set him along a new path creating one of the most inspiring and influential TV shows for children.
I think we need to be always listening. Always be willing and accepting of change. You just never know when your path may change. You never know when a guided drift may push you in a different direction.
Side Note: I am not a fan of change. I get stuck into routine and the ‘This is just what we have always done’ mantra. I work hard daily to direct my thoughts to being open and my family often gently reminds me of better, more efficient and different ways of pursuing life.
Have you ever been in a situation where a friend or loved one came to you and opened up about a change in their life? How did you react? Were you supportive? Or defensive? I have had many situations where this has occurred and I must admit that I do not always react in a loving or supportive manner. I have sometimes reacted in a forceful way and instructed or enforced my thoughts on the situation not listening or even trying to understand what I was hearing. Afterwards, when I get a chance to reflect, pray and pause…. I can see the value or the importance of what was presented. Sometimes, a pause is necessary to help become clear and see what God is planning. Sometimes, the ‘guided drift’ may be intentional in order for that dream that is so strong on one’s heart to flourish and shine.
Here are a few steps that I am constantly working on to better – not only myself – but to be more present and accepting of others:
- Take a pause
- Do not react immediately
- Listen
- Be willing to compromise
- Pray
- Do not judge
- Do not force your ideas, thoughts, or expectations onto others
- Be patient
- Be supportive
- Always be loving
With regards to Mr. Rogers, his children’s program became the most well-known tv show for children representing Christian values and morals. He eventually did finish seminary school, but applied it all towards his TV programing. That ‘guided drift’ that he felt initially when he was in school pushed him onto a greater path which led him to fulfilling his dream of helping children. His dream was so strong that by listening to that quiet voice inside (God), his path changed – for the better.
We all have dreams that we have. We have all had dreams when we were younger, but did we listen and go after them? I applaud those who go after their dreams. Even if it means changing course. Even if it means coming to your loved ones and presenting a different plan. Even if it means that others may not understand.

Walt Disney had a vision of a mouse which one day became an empire.
Mr. Rogers had a vision of being a servant to others and applying that vision to a TV show that would make Christian values attractive to millions of children.
JK Rowling was a struggling writer who was as broke as you can be without being homeless. She was rejected many times with her Harry Potter series, but never gave up hope or her dream. She persevered and became one of the most successful writers of all time.
Looking back and at the present, I have learned to let others just be. The mold is different for everyone and allowing others to step off ‘our’ path and be led onto ‘their’ path will open up a whole new world of excitement, passion, and stories to tell. Stories that will one day inspire our younger generation to possibly be led by their guided drift.