Are You A Goldfish?


Do you ever wonder what the happiest animal may be? Do you ever look at your dog or your pet and think they just may be the happiest being on earth?  On a daily basis, are you your most joyful self?  

You know what the happiest animal in the world is?  A goldfish… Ted Lasso

You are probably asking yourself – What?  A goldfish? How can that be? You see.  Goldfish have a 10 second memory. After 10 seconds, all is fresh.  All is new. All is forgotten.  A clean slate.    

I honestly don’t know who and how it was discovered that goldfish have a 10 second memory, but it is a great concept to incorporate.  How often do we hold grudges?  Something irks us the wrong way and we dwell on it for hours or days.  Sometimes even years go by and we are still talking about the same argument or mishap.  Relationships can be lost, friendships harmed and even opportunities passed because of our own head and the junk that gets locked inside.  

This fun fact was discovered on the TV show Ted Lasso.  If you haven’t watched it, you simply must.  The concept is about Ted – an American NFL football coach who comes over to England to be the head coach of Richmond’s ‘football’ club (in quotes because their football is our soccer).  Ted lives his life always positive.  Always being kind.  Always forgiving.  During the whole show, I think I can count on one hand the number of times Ted was upset or even swore.

Sidenote:  It is a British program so be prepared for some cursing.  I, myself, am not a huge fan in large amounts of swearing but for some reason, when it is a British production, it just fits.  To see a clip of the show – click the photolink below.

ted lasso

Within the show’s entirety – three seasons, Ted has many one liners and quotes to inspire you:

  • “If you care about someone, and you got a little love in your heart, there ain’t nothing you can’t get through together.”
  • “I believe in Communism. Rom-communism, that is. If Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan can go through some heartfelt struggles and still end up happy, then so can we.”
  • “I think things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one.”
  • “Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.”
  • Believe.

But my favourite is the Goldfish quote.  If you really think about it.  We should all live like that.  Have a 10 second memory.  Gives you enough time to ponder what was said or done, but then –  all is forgotten and clean slate appears.  

No judgement.  No grudges.  No remorse.  Only love.  

I think my family and I have watched the series 3x in total and every time, we gain a new insight.  We get inspired more and more each time to be a better person and to try to spread joy to others on a daily basis.  It is one of those shows we tell – repeatedly – to our friends to watch.  Funny, meaningful, heartfelt and inspiring.  

I strive every day to be a goldfish now.  Forgiving fast and forgetting incidents.  A clean slate to go about my day.  It’s not very often a TV show will inspire you these days, but this one certainly does.  The world could use more goldfish and certainly more inspiring people. 

So, are you a goldfish? Wipe the slate clean after 10 seconds?  If not, why not strive to become one.  Maybe if we all became goldfish, we’d start to see the world in a different light – full of kindness and love.  That’s my goal – starting today – be the best gold fish I can be.    

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