A Gift

Do you live in the moment? Or are you the type that thinks too much about the past?  Or even someone who is only thinking about the next big event, holiday or vacation?  If you are the type that lives in the moment, you have been given a gift – one that is a fantastic way to live.  

Living in the moment is a gift; that’s why they all it the present… Ted Lasso

As you have read in past blogs, I love the Apple TV show  – Ted Lasso.  His positivity and outlook on life is so contagious and something I strive to be more like.  I love the above quote by him.  That living in the moment is a gift – that’s why they call it the present.  What if we all tried to live that way?  What would our lives be like?

Benefits of Living in the Moment – (according to geediting.com):

  1. The pure enjoyment of the now.  We can often be focused on what is next – we then overlook the joy in the small things – a good sleep, the loving hug of your spouse, the smile of a baby.
  2. Reduces stress – A lot of stress comes from worrying – either from something that already occurred, or something in the future.  Being in the present, allows you to focus on the now, not the past or future
  3. Enhances relationships – being present with the conversations right in front of us only enhances them.  When you are fully present, you are more attentive, engaged, focused and sincere.  No distractions are occurring which means you are completely connected to that person in front of you.
  4. More appreciation of life – Being in the present allows us to appreciate what is right in front of us, not racing to the next big thing – allowing us to stop and smell the roses as the old saying goes.  
  5. Better mental health – Being in the present allows us to not get caught up in the negative patterns or anxious thoughts that the world often presents.  
  6. More self-awareness – This can open up a door of self-discovery.  Being distracted can cause us to become detached from ourselves resulting in us not listen to our emotions or our body.  We can then become more aware of our feelings and desires.  
  7. More productive – being in the moment allows you to be more productive – focusing on one task – not multitasking. This single – task approach uses less energy and allows for smarter thinking and time management.  
  8. More creative – This can open up your mind to new experiences or hobbies which allows you to be curious or imaginative.  

So, in summarizing these amazing points – when we are living in the moment, we will be able to have more enjoyment in our lives, our stress will go down, have more meaningful relationships, have a better appreciation of the current day, be less anxious and more positive, learn more about ourselves in what we really like, can actually be more productive in our day and after all of that – be more creative allowing us to open a whole new world of fun in our lives. 

Wow!  Doesn’t that sound amazing?   

Doesn’t that sound spectacular?

Doesn’t that sound like the most amazing gift?

Ted Lasso was right!  Living in the moment is a gift – that’s why they call it the present. 

As we head into this amazing Christmas season, remember to take each moment as it comes.  I know you have an enormous – ‘who can get all of this done?‘ – type of list (of gifts, baking, or chores).  But, you will accomplish all that is required. 

Sidenote:  I think that above statement is in print as a reminder for myself.  I too can get all caught up in the things I think I ‘have’ to do instead of being in the moment of what is right in front of me. 

Take a breath!  A deep breath!  (Yes, I am being firm, lol).  


Take notice of the people around you.  Taking 5 minutes to talk to the elderly widow in line may add to your timeline or busy day, but it may add an entire week of warmth to hers. 

Take notice of your spouse reading alone.  Siting together – even for a short time – may cause you to not get those yummy cookies baked,  but it will fill his heart up with an abundance of love. (How many versions of Christmas cookies do we really need anyways?)

Listen to your young children laughing.  Taking a pause from your housecleaning isn’t going to make your house fall apart, but joining your children – playing with them and laughing together will create such a fond memory in their young lives.  

You see, the present is a gift, but we need to accept this gift whole heartedly.  Too often, we take the present for granted.  We tell ourselves that there is always tomorrow –  I’ll go next week for that visit –  I’ll do something fun with my spouse on another day or, the kids are having fun and being so good that they don’t need me to interrupt.   

Those latter thoughts are just the lumps of coal that weighs your stocking down.  

coal stocking

We have five weeks to fill our hearts with Christmas spirit and live in the present so use each day as a daily gift to fill your heart with pure enjoyment.  And in return, your days will seem more joyful, less stressed, more connected with others and all in all – just more happy.  Isn’t that just the greatest gift of all?  So, how about starting fresh tomorrow and actually – start fresh each day.  Every day is a new day to be in the present.  Every day is a new gift.  

Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Take a pause.  Live in the moment.

Honestly, that simple action is a gift in itself.  I know for me, it just gifted me with calm and peace and I hope you too can be gifted with that as well this season.

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