What’s Your Title?

There has been a lot of talk in the news and all-over social media regarding titles. Prince Charles is now King Charles. Prince William is now the Prince of Wales. Kate Middleton is now the ‘new’ Princess of Wales. What is your title?
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive… Maya Angelou
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I have been thinking a lot lately about how grateful I am to have so many loved ones close to my heart. With the passing of the Queen, we see daily (on the news, on Facebook, on Instagram, on YouTube, or even on TikTok) the impact she has had on not only her family, but the world. She was loved by so many and had so many loved ones close to her heart. Her title may have been Queen Elizabeth to the world, but she was Mummy to her children and Granny to all of her grandchildren. She was still just a woman with many loved ones close to her heart.
I have a personal mission statement. A title so to speak.
“ She is strong and is respected by the people. She looks forward to the future with joy. She speaks wise words and teaches others to be kind”. This is Proverbs 31: 25-27
I live by this statement/title/mission statement. If I start to feel imbalanced, I read this section of Proverbs. Daily, I do my best to have a grateful heart, a loving heart, a kind heart all while being strong, respectful, and joyful.
Each day, I thank God for the blessings in my life:
- My husband
- My children
- My dad
- My extended family
- My sponsor children
- Our ability to own our own business
- To be able to help others daily with their health
- To own our own home as well as a cottage
- The health of myself and my family
- We are able to provide and pay for necessities
- We are able to travel
Listing out my blessings makes me so grateful for the life I live and the life my husband and I can provide for our children. I know there are others struggling daily with finances, family issues, health issues or even loneliness, but if daily you can think of even one thing that you’re are grateful for – it can light up your heart with a spark of joy. It can change your outlook of the day. It can provide a sense of peace and calm to your soul.
Do you have a title? Or a mission statement? If someone were to ‘title’ you, what would they say?
- She is respected
- She is kind
- She is a hard worker
- She serves the community
- She is selfless
- She is joyful
I believe that once you start to believe (in yourself) that you ARE those things – then you begin to LIVE those things.
So, as you head into your Thanksgiving weekend – whether you are spending time with family or friends – take a moment to count your blessings and thank God for the abundance of gratitude that you may be experiencing. Also take a moment to thank God for the gifts He gave you. For the person He created you to be. I know I will be thanking Him for the numerous blessings He continues to plant in my life, as well as for everything He has given to me. I am ever so grateful that God blessed me the title(s) of ‘wife’, ‘mother’, and ‘daughter’ – having those titles is the greatest honour I could ever hold.

We will be spending Thanksgiving together as a family with my dad joining as well – cozy next to a fire among the colourful autumn leaves. My heart will be filled with so much love and gratitude that I will be thanking God for His continual blessings.
I pray that your holiday weekend will be just as blessed.