The Little Things…

When you show your love, are you grandiose? Big displays? Fireworks? Large or multiple gifts? Or, do you display your love in the little things? The everyday serving for others? Or the gentle hug as you walk past your spouse? Both ways display love. Both ways show others you are thinking of them, but for me… it’s in the little things that mean the most.
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things… Robert Brault.
Valentine’s day is right around the corner and I have to say, I am a mixture of both displays of love. When it comes to birthdays or events, I go all in (or at least I try to). To the point where it can begin to look less like the person it is for and more about ‘me’ the person who is doing it all. However, planning, surprising, and preparing for a loved one’s birthday always excites me.
On the other hand, it’s the little things that fills my heart and soul. I love when my husband comes home and he finds that his laundry is neatly folded, his favourite meal prepared, and a bath is waiting for him. The smile of contentment that overcomes his face is priceless.
He also has a special knack at the little things. He is quite gifted at that.
For Example:
- A smile from across a room when you are at a gathering
- Your favourite flower in a vase as a surprise
- Holding your hand as you walk through a store
- Coffee being brought to you first thing in the morning
- Your car all topped up with fluids before a long drive
- Ironing done – because he secretly knows you don’t like to iron
- Coming home to a special lunch made after a long morning at work
- Will watch rom-com movies with you and even tear up in the heartfelt moments
- A secret note hidden in your sandwich – I have done this on numerous occasions with him as well as our kids
- A secret note hidden in your suitcase if travelling alone
The little things create a connection
The little things create a bond
The little things create a lasting relationship
Now don’t get me wrong…. Big grandiose events have their place. I really don’t know of anyone who does not enjoy them. There will always be a time and a place for them.
However, this Valentine’s Day why not give the little things a try. Don’t know where to start? Start small. Begin with a love note or making your spouse’s favourite meal. Instead of buying an expensive gift, make a heartfelt one. Or pick up that small item you know he’s been wanting. One of my husband’s favourite ‘surprises’ was a little painting I did for him. He was so touched. Nowadays, We often do experiences instead of gifts. This could mean a simple walk in the woods and bring a picnic or to one of our favourite spots – Nordik Spa (stay tuned for an upcoming blog). As long as it is from your heart, you can’t go wrong.

So, happy Valentine’s day and from me to you…. Know that you are loved. Know that you are beautiful and know that you are cared for.