Love Actually….

love actually

Christmas is fast approaching.  We are already in December and with a blink of an eye.. Christmas Eve will be at our doorstep.  Leading up to Christmas, my family and I always watch Love Actually.  Have you watched it?  You must! This iconic movie is not only a fantastic British Christmas feature, but the meaning behind it – love actually is……all around.  Is brilliant.  

“When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge— they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love, actually, is all around.” …. David in Love Actually (played by Hugh Grant)

The movie premise is based on multiple characters and plots – singles, families, a death, a wedding and each are linked in some way or another. There are struggles throughout, but in the end, each character ends up in love, with love, giving love, or surrounded in love.   

Side Note:  This is a British movie and with most British movies, there is language and some nudity.  However, each scene is humourous, fitting, and heartfelt.  You just may not want to watch with your young children – there may be a magnitude of questions afterwards lol.

Throughout this movie and each and every time I watch it – it pulls on my heartstrings.  I feel and connect with each character and their struggle or search for love.  I delight in how love shows up in every corner and chapter of the character’s lives.  Like in the movie – in real life – love is actually – everywhere – all around.

Do you see love everywhere? If not, how come?  You’d be surprised where you’ll find love if you just open your eyes.  Love is actually all around you.  

  • The clothes neatly folded on your bed, the entire house now sparkling clean, cookies freshly made, a bath prepared at the end of the day, lunch brought to your workplace…. All done in love.
  • Your mail neatly placed on your desk, your garbage emptied, a note saying ‘well done’ left by a co-worker… All done in love.
  • Your coffee drive-thru order being paid for by a stranger, being let in line at the grocery store, your garbage bins being brought up to your door… All done in love

These are just a few examples of simple acts of love, but showing how love actually is everywhere – your home, your workplace, your neighbourhood.  You just have to open your eyes to see it. 

So, as Christmas nears – open up your eyes.  See the beauty and love in others – family, friends, strangers… Be the beauty and love for others.  Not only is Christmas all around you.  Love actually is…. all around you.  

To make your day – here is a clip of ‘favourite Love Actually Moments’ (click the picture to watch).  The movie is on Netflix – so make some time this weekend and have a watch.  It’ll fill your heart up with love and laughter.  

Do you have a favourite Christmas movie? If so, I’d love to know. Click the link below and share your favourite Christmas movie.

christmas movies

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