An Oak Tree

Do you ever stare at the trees and be in amazement at their structure and strength? I find it fascinating the differences in trees. From the simple ‘pretty’ trees to the stability and strength of an oak tree. Have you even compared those trees to people you know? Or yourself? Are you a weeping willow? A flowering apple tree? Or a strong oak tree?
The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun…. Napoleon Hill

When I think of myself and compared to trees, I believe I am an apple tree. It is one of the most sacred of trees symbolizing good health and future happiness. In ancient times, it was known as the tree of love. I strive to be loving and caring towards others and at almost 50, I am in excellent health. I love the look of apple trees in the spring – their beauty and fragrance. They stand out, not only because of their outward beauty, but they also provide nutritional ‘fruit’ of love.
Thinking of my loved ones…
I picture my husband as a palm tree. Palm trees love the warmth and are able to bend up to 50 degrees without snapping. My husband is able to take on a lot. He can endure struggle after struggle and still bounce right back to being the sturdy, tall, magnificent being that he is. He has unmeasureable strength and faith- he knows he will not break – and is the rock of our family.

I picture my daughter as a lilac tree. Lilac trees represent renewal and confidence as well as purity and innocence. Purple lilacs specifically represent spiritually and happiness. My daughter is exactly all of these traits as she is not only stunning like a lilac tree, but is also confident, exudes happiness to everyone she encounters, as well as has such a strong faith. The alluring qualities of the lilac tree mirror the alluring qualities of my beautiful daughter.
I picture my son as a bonsai tree. Bonsai trees are seen as symbols of harmony, balance and patience. These are exactly the characteristics of my son. He brings calm and balance everywhere he goes. He can be in any situation and bring peace and order. His friends lean on him for strength and he has such a way with words that when spoken to, you feel a sense of harmony and peace. He has a been given a gift to present peace to everyone who encounters him.

Lastly, I picture my dad as an Oak tree. The oak tree signifies strength and longevity. They grow tall and stand their ground for many many years. It also represents the 80th year. This year, my dad turns 80 and for as long as I can remember, these qualities have represented my dad. For he is strong not only physically, but in character. He has always done the ‘right’ thing, made things right with others, and has stood ‘tall’ with others. He has been able to withstand hardships throughout the years and remains strong through any struggles that has come his way. Just as you would look up to an oak tree, I look up to my dad and I am proud to be the daughter of his seed of strength.
So, on this day, I wish my dad a very happy 80th birthday. I am proud to be your daughter and I love you.
As the rest of you go about your day today, look up to the trees. I hope you see a loved one’s face on each tree you gaze at and it brings a sense of joy and love to your soul.