Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

I bet you were not expecting a Laughter and Luggage email to be in your inbox today.  Today is Christmas Day. The most glorious day of the year. 

A day of celebration

A day of reflection

A day of family love

A day of laughter

Whether you have been up at the crack of dawn with excited children patiently waiting to see what Santa brought or quietly sipping your coffee in front of the fire reflecting on this magnificent day, I wanted to send a heartfelt Christmas greeting to all of you.  

Christmas is a time where we all gather together as a family, as a group of friends, or even amongst strangers helping those less fortunate.  Christmas is a time of hope and love.  Jesus was born onto this day as our Saviour – bringing light to darkness and as a reminder of God’s never-ending love and His promises of peace, joy and hope to all who believe.  What an amazing gift. 

Mary, Jesus, Joseph

As you wind down from the excitable morning with the children, clean up the wrapping and boxes, prepare your delicious roast beast, I wish you a very Merry Christmas.  Your willingness and support of opening your inbox to read the weekly laughter and luggage tidbits is a such an overwhelming gift to me and I cherish it daily.  I am so grateful for all of you out there in cyber-land near and far.  


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