Big Hearts

big heart

We were at the mall the other day and we witnessed an extraordinary act of kindness from a soldier.  His heart poured out to a homeless man who was hungry and dropped his own lunch to go and purchase this weary man some food.  What a big heart this soldier had.  With it being Valentine’s Day today, I thought it was the perfect day to reflect on those in my own life with big hearts.

Above all, love each other deeply … 1 Peter 4:8  

How is your heart?  Is it full of compassion and kindness?  Do you have endless urges to serve and help others? Or, do you keep to yourself building a wall up around you shutting others out? What about helping those in need or even lending a hand to a neighbour or friend?  

When I think of this concept, I think of the Grinch.  I know.. that is a Christmas story, but the premise of the story applies to every day.  The Grinch was too selfish in his own ways to think of others until Cindy Lou Who befriended him.  Showed him love.  This opened up a whole new way of thinking for the Grinch and as the book legend states – his heart grew 3 sizes that day.  


When I think of my family, my heart beams.  Each member of my family has a such big hearts.  Each one is given and caring in their own unique way.  Let me explain:

My husband:  He has the gift to serve and does it flawlessly.  He helps others daily not only within his career, but he will drop anything to help our children in need, myself when I am overwhelmed, or a friend needing assistance in their own lives.  The more he serves and helps others, the more his heart grows and overflows.  He has an abundance of love for others which makes me love him even more.

My daughter:  She has the gift of compassion for others.  Her heart pours out to children – inspiring them and captivating their spirits.  She has the ability to show others the love in her heart.  Her faith shines onto those who get to know her and her love for others radiates around her.  Which makes me so proud to be her mom.  

My son: He has the gift empathy which he lives his life so proudly with.  He has the ability to understand, listen, and help or guide not only his family and friends, but even acquaintances he’s just met.  His heart is filled with faith and love for others that his old soul personality delivers the words and love that others seek for.  This extraordinary trait of my son’s is one that I take great pride in.

My sister in law: She has the gift of encouragement which she flawlessly delivers.  She has the ability to uplift and pour into you the strength and courage you may need at any given moment.  Not only can she turn any concerning situation around, she can produce a smile with her contagious laughter.  She has a very special place in my heart which I cherish dearly. 

My brother: He has the gift of kindness and he probably doesn’t even realize it. He has a soft spot for helping others and providing joy.  If my own children ever needed something or even an adult or child at his workplace, he found a way to help or give what he could.  His kindness warms my heart.  

My dad:   He has the gift of strength and can provide calm in any situation.  He has this amazing ability – not only on a daily basis, but also when something or someone hits a rough patch.  He is someone who provides an enourmous amount of strength from out of the spotlight – a behind the scenes man who steps up to the plate to help and provide wisdom to anyone who asks.  Which is why my heart beams when I think of my dad and how proud I am to also wish him a happy birthday this week.

So, on this special Valentine’s Day – who comes to your mind dawning a big heart? Do you have a certain someone or many someone’s that you could acknowledge?  If so, go that extra mile and tell them how much they mean to you. Whether that is in a face to face interaction, a phone call, a text or like me in this blog… let your big heart shine onto those who are special to you.  

A big heart is rare in today’s world – let’s try to change that. One act of love and kindness can bring back a world filled with joy.   

For more reading about love and speaking words of love – click HERE.

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