
Do you ever watch others and by looking at them, you can tell they must not speak nicely to themselves? Or, you can even overhear what others say – grumbling, negative talk, judgement towards others. How you speak to yourself will set the tone of how you treat others, as well as how pleasant your day will become. Simple daily affirmations can be the key to your daily happiness.
Who you are inside is what helps you make and do everything in life… Mister Rogers
You may have read my blog last week on Fred In Your Head. That nagging voice in your head who discourages you, knocks you down, and criticizes you. However, you can overcome that – remembering that God’s word can and WILL lift you up.
How you speak about yourself – on a daily basis – will determine the peace, joy, and love that you experience throughout your waking hours. I have written in past blogs how important it is to have gratitude. Each day, I take time to write out at least 5 things I am grateful for. They can range from the beautiful sunshine poking through the trees, to how amazing my two children are, how thoughtful my husband is, or hearing my dad laugh. Regarding of what pops into my mind, I write them down. This sets the tone for the peace and joy in my heart.
Another good tool or habit to begin is writing down 5 affirmations about yourself each day. This is especially good if you have gotten in the habit of not being so nice to yourself or have been in a negative state of mind.
What do you love about yourself?
What are you proud of?
What about yourself makes you smile?
Doing this each day can slowly have a positive effect on how you see the world. Doing this each day will begin to change your state of mind. Doing this each day will bring peace and joy into your heart again.
While browsing around at our local Chapters bookstore… (side note… I love bookstores and can spend hours walking the different aisles flipping through ficition books, cookbooks, house décor and even the kids section reminiscing about when my own childrent were small), I came across wordsearches – which I love to do at our cottage – One wordsearch happened to pop out at me:
The Affirmations Wordsearch Book

Each page within this book displays positivity, love, warmth, strength, dreams, goals, and even peace. What I loved about this book is that you could do a new page each day and in doing so – your mind will be presented with positive uplifting words daily. Sometimes, we can fall into the habit of being lazy and searching out the negative words. The grumpy conversations. The unkind self-talk. But! With this book, your mind will have no option but to search for the positive words. The loving words. The uplifting words. Overtime, your mind will change habits to creating a better, more positive self-conversation and be on the search – daily – for positivity.
Every now and then, we all need a little help in changing our bad habits and this little inexpensive book (found in the ‘sale’ aisle for only $5) is a perfect and fun way to do so.
Are you stuck in a rut and finding your self-conversations on the grouchy side? Do you tend to put yourself down, have a ‘Fred in your head’ type of moment? If so, begin today by writing out 5 affirmations about yourself and keep doing this daily. Need help finding those positive words? Get your Affirmations Wordsearch book from your local bookstore, Amazon, or click below to purchase one today. This daily habit can be life-changing not only for yourself, but for those around you. If there is one person who you should speak nice to today – that would be you! If there was another person to speak nice to you as well… that would be me. You are an amazing and unique person. Go about your day with confidence knowing you are a blessing from God.