The Windshield Is Better

Now that we are into the fall season, classes are back on, and kids back in school, how are you doing? Are you setting sites on any dreams you have been having? Or setting them aside in the ‘someday’ pile? Or even worse, looking back at your old self wishing you could be that person again? Where ever you are in life right now, there is no better time than now to go after a dream you’ve been having.
The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason… Jelly Roll
The above quote really stuck with me when I heard it while watching American Idol last season. Jelly Roll – a famous artist – was mentoring some young contestants. These wide-eyed singers all stepping into their dreams, but hesitating at really going all out for what that want. He was explaining to the group that there is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror. Where you are going is far more important than where you’ve been. Or rather – your future is far more important than your past.
The windshield is better.
I know I can often get stuck in the now, or someday I’ll do that, or it’s terrible to say, but I have even thought that because I am in the fifties, I am too old to start something new. Why even dream?
Luckily, I am married to a man who is an amazing dreamer. His windshield is so wide, clean and not a speck or chip in it. He can see clearly the dreams that lay ahead. He isn’t afraid to step into something new or inquire about new life paths or adventures. I strive to have a windshield as big and clear as his and he certainly helps me defog mine.
Importance of a clear Windshield:
- Keeps you dreaming
- Keeps you learning
- Provides direction
- Opens your eyes up to new sights
- Gives you vision
- Gives you purpose
- Boosts confidence
- Makes you happier
The rearview is small for a reason:
- The past is a small part of you
- It’s a reflection on yourself, not a window into the future
- Keeps you stuck – cannot move forward looking behind you all the time
- You cannot change where you’ve been
So, are you going to go out and clean your windshield? I sure hope so. Make it so sparkly clean that you will see how bright your future is. Whether you are in your twenties just starting out or in your fifties contemplating what is next in your future. Setting your sights forward on that clear windshield is far better than the small rearview.
Your life is full of purpose and potential and God created you to dream, be inspired, and serve others. You are never too young or old to try something new. Back in 2020, I was scared about starting a blog. I love to write and inspire others and my family was always so encouraging and supportive. So, the way I started was taking a couple of online ‘how to’ courses on blogs and websites through UDEMY . It provided me knowledge and structure and a group of others doing the same thing to chat with. Before I knew it – Laughter and Luggage was created.
What dreams do you have?
How about starting today writing down what your dream is? Writing down your thoughts is key because it brings it to life. Share your thoughts with your spouse or a friend. You may be scared to, but I would bet that you will be flooded with encouragement and support. Start looking through that windshield with your eyes wide open. You just may be surprised by the world it provides. The pathways and insight opening up before you. The excitement (and possibly uneasiness) filling your heart. God will provide a clear windshield for you to see your potential – you just have to keep your eyes forward and not back.

Now go! You have an amazing life filled with dreams and possibilities ahead of you. Let God be your GPS guiding you through the windshield of your future. The windshield is so much better.
Need help in trying to organize your dreams? Click HERE to read about a Dream Box.