Stepping Back In time

time capsule

Do you ever wish you could step back in time?  Was there ever a moment in your life that you would go back just to revisit?  If you had a time machine – is there a certain day, month or year you’d go back to?  My husband and I recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and reminiscing that day was like stepping back in time.  It is certainly a day that we would go back to – in a heartbeat.

Memories are timeless treasures of the heart…. Anonymous

On our wedding day – we received a Time Capsule as a gift.  We received many gifts that day, but this creative and thoughtful gift is one that has certainly lasted for 25 years.  It has gone from my home town to Chicago and back to Ontario – in and out of many homes throughout the years.  It has been a precious possession patiently waiting to be opened on August 22, 2023.

Thinking back, my husband and I barely remember selecting items for the time capsule.  I believe – according to the instructions – we had a year to complete it. I do remember having fun and laughing a lot while we thought about what we wanted inside.  

On our 25th anniversary – we were so excited that the day had finally came to open this magnificent piece.  We brought it upstairs and patiently waited for the perfect time to open it – along side our 2 (adult) children.

Opening the capsule, we were surprised by how heavy it was and the number of items inside – but – we were brought right back to 1998 with what we found inside:

  • Wedding announcements
  • Engagement announcements
  • Our vows
  • The itineray
  • Magazines of the time
  • Pamphlets of the church and honeymoon location
  • Table numbers
  • Table favours
  • A bottle of our homemade wine
  • Photo album of pictures
  • A VCR tape of the wedding
  • A VCR tape of our favourite TV shows at time time
  • Personalized letters written in the past to be opened 25 years later (one from me to my husband, from my husband to me, one from each of our parents, and one from my maid of honour as well as from one of our groomsmen). 
  • The squished ring box 
time capsule

Aside:  The squished ring box is a funny story – my husband and our brother in law were driving to the church and stopped at a bank to get some cash.  When they were close to the church they noticed the ring box was missing (it was on the dash so they could see it the whole way to the church).  They determined it must have fallen out when they stopped for money. So… they headed back – a 15 min drive which took them about 7 with how fast they were driving.  They got out of the car and searched.  No luck.  Finally, they got a truck to move forward and low and behold… the ring box was under the tire – squished – ring still intact!  Funny story now, but at the time – caused a bit of turmoil.  

As we pulled out each item, we laughed, told our kids stories, reminisced about the pictures, reread our vows and itineraries and read each of the 6 letters. I must say…. We cried.  Hearing my husband’s words that he wrote to me 25 years ago melted my heart.  Listening to what our best friends had said made us smile.  Cherishing our parents words of wisdom, funny stories and heartwarming thoughts brought warmth to us as well as heartache (my husbands dad has since passed as well as my mom), but cherishing those moments together – as a family – was simply priceless for us.  

That gift of a time capsule was probably the most thoughtful and cherished gift we have received over our 25 years together.  It provided not only a look back on our special day – stepping back in time to reminisce one of the most important and amazing days of our lives – but it provided an opportunity for our children to see the bond my husband and I have had over 25 years.  The love we have experienced and a small look at what we were like 25 years ago.  They received a small glimpse of what we were like as a simple, yet completely in love couple. 

This time capsule – this step back in time – fulfilled our day immensely.  I am forever grateful for this opportunity to look back in time.  Not only did I get to relive reading my vows to my husband and see what was occurring on those days around our big day, but I received the most amazing opportunity to read my mom’s words and see her handwriting.  It was like she was right there celebrating with us (as I know she was).  

This time capsule has provided so much more than just a look back in time. It has provided a gift to our children – to be able to have a slight feeling about what our wedding day was like. It has provided a celebration – a milestone not many reach in today’s time. It has provided the gift of reconnecting with our parents who have now passed. Hearing their words and seeing their handwriting again filled both of our hearts up.

I must say, if you have an upcoming wedding or some sort of celebration to attend to. Purchasing and giving this gift of time for someone special is a wonderful idea. My husband and I loved and cherished the moment we were able to open it and we are so grateful to our friend who gave it to us.

To buy your own Time Capsule to give to someone special – click the link/photo below.

time capsule

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