New Beginnings

In 4 days, I will have made 50 trips around the sun (as my sister-in-law would describe it). In one thought, that boggles my mind, but in another, it makes me proud. As I approach my golden year, I have reflected a lot on new beginnings and what a new beginning may mean to me. The number 50 represents new beginnings and it seemed fitting to share that with you today.
Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings… Ralph Blum
I love that quote – stated above. As I have written in the past, you learn from your struggles, your failures, your faults, your tests, and your mistakes. All of your past obstacles open up the door for learning something new. Taking a new path. Opening your eyes to a new dream. Or to even to help re-evaluate your priorities. These ‘learning minutes’ are just a first attempt in learning or an opportunity to start again – just with more experience.
Back in the fall, I wrote about a new adventure – my YouTube vlog’s. Launching that aspect and creating some of those ‘shorts’ was indeed exciting and fun. However, I began to lose the joy in it. Lose the fun. Have them become ‘work’. They were beginning to take priority over these blogs (which I thoroughly enjoy writing), family time, in the moment adventures (I always tended to feel the need to video everything to create a YouTube vlog). They seemed to make me into something I was not – less humble, more self-focused, rushed, and even jealous at times.
After much prayer and discussion, it was revealed to me that my focus should be on you… here… in these blogs.
Writing is my passion.
Writing has been in my heart all along.
Writing signifies a new beginning each week.
At first, part of me felt like a bit of a failure stopping the vlogs – that I would be disappointing my family. But, once I became clear minded and was reminded from my loving family that my blogs are my gift, I reminded myself that it’s ok to stop something – especially if it wasn’t necessarily a dream to accomplish. Many people feel they need to keep struggling at something even though it really isn’t on their heart. But! That really isn’t following your path. Your dream should excite you. Your dream should provide passion for you. Your dream should be fun and your dream should be joyful. If isn’t not, then you may need to reevaluate your purpose of doing so.
As I turn 50 and into a whole new chapter in my life, I want this chapter to be a new beginning. A joyful beginning. A loving beginning. An adventurous beginning. I want to experience fun and joy with my husband and family. I want to provide amazing insight, recipes or travel tips to all of you. I want to follow the dream which has been on my heart all along… to write and share my experiences, knowledge, insight and love all to you.
Sidenote: You may see – from time to time – the odd video or clip pop into these weekly blogs, but only if it is applicable to the content like a recipe, travel insight, or even just for a laugh.
So, as I turn the page into this new exciting golden chapter of life, I will be creating a new beginning with my day-to-day life. Following the tips and treasures in which I have shared many times to all of you:
- Daily Devotionals
- Daily Gratitudes
- Being Thankful
- Being Positive
- Not Complaining
- Not Judging
- Being Joyful
- Helping Others
Sometimes, we all need reminders – even myself – and this new beginning has offered much peace and joy. I am forever thankful for the 50 past birthday’s I have had the joy of celebrating and I am truly thankful for celebrating this golden doozy as well. A new beginning in a new chapter full of excitement and adventure with those I love the most.