It’s Official
Have you ever wanted to try something new, but it was scary to begin or even to share about it to others? That’s me. I can sometimes get in my head and have ideas – or have ideas presented to me – and not try because I am scared. Back in September, I had hinted that I had some exciting platform ideas. Well, it’s official. I have started a YouTube channel.
What if I fall? Oh, but darling, what if you fly? Erin Hanson
For years, my family has hinted, suggested, and even outlined in detail that I should be doing a YouTube channel for our travel adventures. I would always answer in a “Yes, I know” or “Maybe someday” attitude. In reality, I was scared to do it. My husband is excellent on camera or in front of a crowd. He has done speaking engagements, been on TV, or played in bands his whole life. My son has found his passion with online fitness training and has proven to shine with his platforms. My daughter is so amazing at imitating and acting on her social media platforms that she brings laughter and smiles to anyone who views them. But me! I can take excellent photos – I do know that – But! In front of a camera – it’s like I turn into Chandler from Friends – you know – the awkward smile episode where as soon as a camera is on him, his face goes all wonky. I was afraid that I just couldn’t be comfortable in front of the camera. I was afraid that I would not be natural. I was afraid that no one would view what I have shared.
All that being said and done. It was fear that was stopping me. My family instilled confidence in me to just try and I finally listened.
You just have to start. You just have to be yourself. Just speak like you are talking to me. You will shine and others will see. You will get more comfortable the more you do them. You will excel at this. You can do anything.
So, when we took our Northern Ireland vacation – I began. Every step, every moment, every location – we took a video. Since then, I have started to be more comfortable at capturing moments and locations. Weekend get-a-ways to local cuisine have been uploaded. Longer video’s to #shorts for fast viewing pleasures have been created. The content is continuing to grow.
My goal is to provide tips, ideas and snippets of our travels, adventures, and local hidden gems that we have been so fortunate and blessed to enjoy. I know for me – when I am planning a new adventure – that I use YouTube or other social media platforms to read or watch in order to provide myself or my family with ideas and tips. That is what my wish is for you.
Side Note: In the future, I may begin including my lifestyle or recipes into it, but for now the primary focus will be travel. I will still be providing lifestyle blog content on a regular basis via my laughterandluggage website.
If you like to travel or even if you are planning an adventure in the future, head over to YouTube and subscribe to my channel. You may be able to find a tip or idea for an upcoming vacation. If I can provide you with help in any way – big or small – then I have accomplished my goal.
Click the link (the photo) below to access my YouTube channel and see a short preview outlining what the Laughter and Luggage YouTube Channel is all about. Hit subscribe and you’ll be in the know for any future travel posts. If you have any questions or require any travel tips, simply click HERE. I’m only a click away for help.
Remember, life is full of moments. People to laugh with, stories to laugh about, and experiencing adventures full of joy and laughter. Now go, plan that next trip and pack that luggage. Adventure is waiting.
Lastly, to add a bit of laughter into your day. I have included a little #short of outtakes and bloopers from the many takes some of my posts took. Fear may have been trying to stop me, but if we can’t laugh at ourselves, then who can we laugh at. I am certainly laughing and having fun while filming these and I hope you laugh as well.