This Is Me

Winter – although pretty with its white blanket of snow – can be a dark time for many. The shorter days and the lack of sunshine can make people slip away into a dispiritedness nature. Oftentimes, causing themselves to question their beautiful, unique characteristics that make themselves shine.
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.. Coco Chanel
My family and I are movie buffs. We love getting caught up in a great story that can make us laugh, cry or feel all warm and fuzzy inside. One of those great movies is The Greatest Showman. Have you seen it? It’s fantastic and it is the basis of my blog this week. – especially being Bell Talk Day today (mental health awareness day). If you haven’t seen the movie, the premise is about and inspired by a circus – PT Barnum and all their unique ‘acts’. These acts or rather – people – are considered not equipped for main society and actually are shunned from society due to their unique qualities. Barnum embraces their talents and unique characteristics and creates a famous world-wide known circus.
There is a song in the movie called This Is Me. It is a song in which everyone should embrace. The lyrics are phenomenal and if we lived more like these lyrics, I truly believe that we – as a society – would love ourselves more.
Please Note: I am no expert on mental illness and I do understand that it is an illness. Anything stated within this blog is only of my opinion and thoughts from the heart. It is not meant to downgrade, disregard or make light of anyone who is struggling.
To hear this fabulous song – click HERE.
To share a few lines from this song:
I am not a stranger to the dark "Hide away, " they say "'Cause we don't want your broken parts" I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars "Run away, " they say "No one'll love you as you are" But I won't let them break me down to dust I know that there's a place for us For we are glorious When the sharpest words wanna cut me down I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown 'em out I am brave, I am bruised I am who I'm meant to be, this is me Look out 'cause here I come And I'm marching on to the beat I drum I'm not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me
The lyrics above sit deep within my heart. We all have had struggles, wounds, hurts and tragedies in our lives. Many of us have also been bullied in different stages in our lives – either by appearances, education, or lack of physical strengths. Those times in our lives have knocked us down, defeated us, made us feel less than, and oftentimes caused us to hide away.
This song and this movie has unleashed a spark within me to tell my friends, my loved ones, my acquaintances, the world – that you are worthy. You are beautiful. You are perfect – just who you are.

Whether you have physical scars or mental scars. Whether you have had words cut you down and whether you have been so bruised by society – you are just who you are meant to be. God created you perfectly, uniquely, and beautifully.
I challenge you today to watch The Greatest Showman and take in the beauty of characters. Embrace their uniqueness so you can too embrace yours.
You are brave
You are beautiful
You are glorious
You are perfect
If you are struggling today – or any day – reach out to your family and/or friends because they are there for you. If you need some hope – there is a great devotional that I recently read in preparation for this blog that is uplifting and provides some tools and insight that may be helpful. The devotional is called – Wisdom For Mental Health.

If you are unsure where to turn and need some help – there are organizations specifically designed to guide you and listen to your concerns. If that is you, please click below on one of the links to speak to someone who can and will help you.

For a similar blog post – click HERE.