Birthday In Toronto

Have you ever wanted to do something, but then the timing wasn’t quite right? Or, at least you ‘thought’ the timing wasn’t right? I certainly have. A mentor of mine is Rachel Hollis. I’ve read her books and I had an opportunity to see her speak at a Power of Success seminar in 2019. My husband was encouraging me to find out if she was having any other seminars and I discovered her Rise Conference in Toronto March 5-7, 2020. Awesome! Only one hiccup. My birthday is March 5. The thought of travelling alone to Toronto on March 4 and spending my birthday alone was heart wrenching (to me) and I kept her conference possibility to myself for a couple of days.
Your life is a gift from the Creator. Your gift back to the Creator is what you do with your life…. Billy Mills
I finally brought it up to my husband and his response was DO IT! I was still unsure. I love birthdays. I love being with my family. I decided to pray about it and thought maybe, my daughter (who is away at university) could come on the Friday and spend the night – we could then go out for a ‘day after’ birthday dinner and maybe then my husband and son could also make it for a night or two.
Well, it got better. My husband and son would arrive late on the Thursday night (my birthday night). I would not be alone for my birthday.
Now, I’ll return to all that…
Rewind to arrival. Going after something on my heart – a dream – was just so right. God put all the pieces together to make every aspect seamless. I arrived in Toronto with no glitches (I was worried for a bit since there was a train blockade going on for a few weeks with no train service). I stayed at the fabulous Fairmont Royal York. Upon check in at the seminar the night before, I met another attendee who arrived as a ‘single‘. We immediately clicked, went to dinner and planned on meeting up first thing in the morning.
I was stepping into a dream that I had on my heart and God was paving the way.
The conference was out of this world. I highly recommend attending one of Rachel Hollis’ Rise conferences. It is life changing. Even if you have a different mentor or someone you admire – GO! Attend a seminar or conference. If you have any inkling of a dream on your heart, then that is God speaking to you to go after your dream. Try it. You have nothing to lose. It was going to see her the first time that drove me to finally start this blog. Why couldn’t I do what she does? I just may have something to offer to others. I could help and inspire others. I just have to take a chance.

Ok, now back to my birthday. At lunch, I headed back to my hotel. It had been quite emotional so I just needed to collect my thoughts. I arrived back in the room with balloons and some birthday décor. I felt so special. My adoring husband had called ahead and wanted to be sure my day was special. Then, at the end of the day, I arrived back to chocolate covered strawberries. I was in tears. My day was one of the most special days ever and I was by myself.
My husband and son were now on their way – a 4-hour drive. When they arrived, I was so excited. I talked all about my day, showed them the hotel and started to relax in the room (I did have to get up early for day 2 of the conference). My husband started acting funny. He said he needed to go and scope out a spot for some early business calls he had to make. I questioned him since we just had found a spot when I was taking him on the tour, but I let him go. Maybe he just needed a few moments. Shortly after he left, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was my daughter from university. She came a day early just for my birthday. I was a mess! My whole family was now with me for my birthday (albeit there was only a half hour left, but everyone was with me). We had a good laugh since she was lying to me the whole night saying she was at the library, meanwhile she was on a train headed for Toronto. She was stricken with guilt for lying, but pulled it off.

Reflecting back on my back and forth decision making on whether I should attend or not attend the conference all because it was my birthday….. I am SO… glad I did it. It was obviously in God’s plan for me to go. He made every step so easy and perfect. I honestly don’t know what I enjoyed more: the conference or my family surprising me. I must say…. It’s my family. God will allow my dreams to come true if I only take a chance. But… God knows that family is the upmost of importance – to me. He allowed not only my dream to come true and have me step into my future, but had my family right by my side the whole time for support.
Do you have a dream?
Is there something on your heart that you’ve been wanting to try?
Are you scared to step into the future?
If you are like me… those answers are YES. Don’t let fear stop you. Don’t let roadblocks stop you. Don’t let nay-sayers stop you. You will find a way and God will provide that if you only take a chance. Those who truly love you will encourage you to pursue any of your dreams and goals.
Take a chance.
I started my journey with a Dream Box (my loving husbands idea). I went to Homesense and found the perfect box, fancy paper, stickers, and amazing pens. I brought it home and started writing out my goals and dreams and putting them in the box. One day, I will open and read them. I do occasionally open it to slip in a new goal or dream – you can never stop dreaming. My Dream Box is a way to cast my dreams and goals in a tangible step. It’s one thing to just think of dreams, but to write them down and put them in a designated Dream Box is another thing. This solidifies the dream. For a more detailed description of my Dream Box, click HERE.
So, start today. Get your dream box. Reach for the stars. What do you have to lose? I was inspired by reading Rachel Hollis’ first mainstream book – Girl, Go Wash Your Face. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it and below, I have provided an easy link if you wish to be as inspired as I was. Happy reading. Happy dreaming.