Avocado Awesomeness

Do you get excited when you discover a new tasty find? I do. An added bonus is when I find out the fantastic health benefits of it as well. That for me, is the fantastic avocado. It’s simply a whole lot of avocado awesomeness.
If life gives you avocados, make guacomole.
A few years back, my daughter discovered avocado toast. I was hesitant to try it at first (I am a creature of habit and not a big fan of change), but once I did try it, I fell in love.
Avocado toast has now become a staple in my morning nourishment. On average, I eat about 3-5 avocado’s a week.
What are the health benefits of an avocado?
- It’s a powerhouse super food packed with nutrients
- One of the ‘good fat’ fruits (yes it is a fruit)
- Has anti-aging properties
- Has disease fighting antioxidants
- Has nearly 20 different vitamins and minerals
- Is high in fibre
- Can lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and boost HDL (good cholesterol) therefore helping your heart
When I read that avocado’s are great for those starting to age – I guess I am admitting I am in my later 40’s… I started to read what other foods would be beneficial and why:
- Blueberries – have antioxidants which can help protect your skin from sun damage or from stress.
- Broccoli – is high in Vitamin C and Calcium
- Nuts – are a great source of Vitamin E which helps repair and add oils into skin
- Red Bell Peppers – high in Vitamin C and Carotenoids which also help with skin damage from the sun.
By adding avocado and these other vegetables into my diet, not only am I providing my body with healthy fuel options for nutrition and energy, but I am also eating items beneficial for my current skin needs.
Other ways to add avocado into recipes or daily meals?
- Avocado Toast
- Burrito/Fajitia Bowls – garnish on top
- Egg sandwiches
- Burgers
- Mash up for home-made guacomole
- Salad dressings
- Chocolate mousse
- Smoothies
There are plenty of fun and delicious ways to add avocado into your daily recipes. (My favourite is Avocado Toast). Now that you know the benefits (maybe you already knew), you can’t go wrong with finding new ways to eat it.
If you have a different way you eat or use avocado other than what I have mentioned, please share – I’d love to know.