World Banana Day

world banana day

Can you believe it!!  Today is World Banana Day.  I had no idea that there was even a day dedicated to bananas and when I found out – well… I just had to write about it. World Banana Day is something to celebrate!

For anyone who really knows me, they will know that I love bananas.  My family laughs at me because I eat at least one banana daily.  If I don’t, I just feel ‘off’.  My husband does not have the same affection for bananas as I do.  He likes them, but does his life depend on them? No.  Our daughter did not inherit the ‘I need a banana’ trait, but our son did.  He too will devour bananas daily.  

What is so scrumptious about a banana you may ask?

  • The taste – sweet, but not too sweet
  • Ease of eating – peel and bite
  • Portability – can take anywhere
  • It’s yellow – I do like the bright sunshine aspect of it

This simple, self-contained portable delicious fruit makes the day a glorious day whenever I ingest it.  However, I didn’t really ever think about the good it is doing for me. The benefits of eating a banana or the health aspects packed inside.  

What’s inside the Banana:

  1. Potassium
  2. Magnesium
  3. Calcium
  4. Iron
  5. Zinc
  6. Vitamin C
  7. Vitamin A
  8. Vitamin B6
  9. Vitamin E
  10. Niacin

Wow!  That’s a lot of nutrients.  Those 10 minerals and vitamins help the body immensely.  They boost the body with necessary nutrients to help the body stay optimal. For example, they help with:

  • Muscle Regeneration – enhance recovery, restore glycogen and support muscle growth
  • Fight Inflammation – contain flavonoids which are antioxidants to decrease swelling, irritation or inflammation
  • Help with Digestion – promote gut health
  • Reduces asthma – eating 1 banana a day can reduce asthma symptoms by 34%
  • Reduces Blood Pressure – can help manage blood pressure because potassium lessens the effects of sodium
  • Increase your Happy – it boosts serotonin which regulates your mood

As you can see, this small pretty yellow fruit has an enormous amount of benefits.  It is jam packed with perks, but it also has many different ways you can enjoy it, use it, or even learn more about it.  The first is obvious… peel and eat. But!  What other ways can you use a banana? Or, what fun facts about the banana did you not know?

  • They can be used to make paper or textiles
  • They were first domesticated 7000 years ago in southeast Asia (around the same time as Stonehenge and the invention of the wheel)
  • The inside of a banana can heal insect bites and poison ivy rashes
  • In some parts of the Caribbean it is considered bad luck to bring a banana on a fishing boat – they believe bananas may cause the fish to leave or a storm to appear
  • The scientific name for bananas is Musa Sapientum which means ‘fruit of the wise men’

Wow! So many interesting uses and facts to learn. It seems that bananas are a definite super food!

Now that you know more about the benefits of eating a banana, as well as a bit of its history, why not incorporate this healthy and delicious bite into your daily routine?  They are relatively inexpensive, so they won’t break the bank on your next grocery run, but they will provide you with great overall health benefits.  

Are you on the go? Then grab-peel-and eat. Do you have a bit of time? Drop one into a smoothie. You can also grace your oatmeal or cereal with scrumptious slices on top or… if you are in the mood to bake – make a delicious banana bread. Click HERE for an amazing recipe.

There is the old saying, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’.  

How about ‘A banana a day brings a smile your way’.  

Eat up and keep smiling – your body will radiate sunshine. 

Sidenote:  To read more about bananas – click HERE

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