Happy Canada Day, Eh!

canada day

In a few days, we will be celebrating Canada’s birthday. Another celebration day in the works.  Thinking about past Canada days, I began to think about what weird and funny Canadian facts we had.  

My upbringing in Canada made me the person I am.  I will always be proud to be a Canadian… Jim Carrey

I love humour. Laughing fills my soul. Laughing is good for your soul.  I was brought up with a very funny dad – who would often tell ‘Dad’ jokes, help me write speeches that included humour, and would make my mom laugh.  I am married to an amazing man who makes me laugh daily – makes our kids laugh daily – and spreads his joy of laughter onto anyone who encounters him.  Laughter should be – and definitely is in my life – a core basis of our family (besides God of course).  

Reading up on our Canadian history, I came across some interesting and funny Canadian facts:

  • Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combines with approximately 32000 lakes.
  • Canada is the most educated country with half its residents having college degrees.
  • The Canada goose is the largest goose in the world.  It can weight more than 9 kg, live up to 30 years.
  • Part of Canada is on Mars… a crater on the planet was named after Gander, Newfoundland in honour of its efforts in space research.
  • Our Canadian ‘eh’ is actually in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary.
  • Some of the worlds most popular superheros were conceived by Canadian minds – Superman and Wolverine – however it is against Canadian law to have comics that depict criminal acts.
  • There is a region in the Hudson Bay region that has less gravity than the rest of the world.
  • Canada has been invaded 2x by America  – In 1775 and 1812.
  • The official phone number for Canada is 1-800-O-Canada.
  • The Stanley Cup has its own bodyguard.
  • Ottawa – the capital of Canada – is the second coldest capital after Moscow.
  • Canada has 6 time zones.
  • Canada is the number one donut distributor in the world. 
  • Churchill Manitoba is the Polar Bear capital of the world. No one locks their doors here – in the event of a polar bear attack.  They walk freely through the town towards the Hudson Bay.
  • It is illegal to kill a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) in British Columbia.
  • Smelling bad in Canada is illegal and can cost you 2 years in jail.
  • Canada’s national drink is the Ceasar – and was invested in Calgary in 1969.
  • Peanut butter was created in Montreal in 1884.
  • The Royal Montreal Golf Club  – founded in 1873 is the oldest golf club in North America.

So, as you can see – Canada does have a sense of humour, as well as, some amazing history to reflect on.  Being able to laugh, enjoy life, fun times with family and friends are extremely important.  How will you be spending your Canada Day Celebrations?  And going a step further – your summer holidays?  

As you would have read in last week’s blog, rest is necessary in order to achieve fulfillment. Therefore, as done in previous years, I will be giving my typing fingers a break during the months of July and August.  This will allow for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.  As well as fun times with my family and friends – filled with much laughter and adventure.  We are unsure what adventure awaits us this summer, but stay tuned for some extraordinary new blogs this fall.  

Happy Canada Day, eh (and Happy Summer) to all of you.  May you seek adventure, joy, and fun filled with much love, laughter and possibly luggage during your amazing 2023 summer. 

Note: Canada references were adapted from 30 Weird Canada Facts, 145 Weird Facts, and Facts About Canada 

Canada day

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