Christmas Cards

christmas card

Do you ever sit down and reflect on your year?  Ponder on all those special encounters and moments you experienced?  Think about those loved ones in your past?  This occurs for me each year as we prepare our yearly Christmas cards to mail out. 

Now we’re postmarked pretty paper, our best cursive from the heart, it’s funny how forever turns into Christmas cards… Tenille Townes

As you probably have read from past blogs, traditions are important to me.  Baking family cookie recipes, Christmas eve pj’s, family dinners, and Christmas cards.  This simple act has slowly become a decline in many homes.  Each year, we seem to receive one less card in the mail.  One less heartfelt paper gift from a loved one.  One less insight into the lives of our friends or family.  I truly miss that.  

Connecting with loved ones is very important and even if it means a once a year paper Christmas card hand-picked or created from a special place in your heart – it is a gift in itself.  Every year when my husband and I create an elegant card with beautiful words encompassing our year – we feel blessed to give this gift to loved ones.  It is one simple step in keeping the connection with those we grew up with, went to university with, and even met along the years through travel or careers.  These special recipients who have touched our lives in large or even small moments.  Each holding a special piece in our hearts.  

For me, sending out these simple, yet important Christmas cards is not only keeping that old style traditions going, but they also arrive in a home where they could use a smile or even providing a special gift where they may not expect to receive anything.  Sometimes, we never know what simple paper Christmas cards may provide in someone’s life. 

There is a song I recently heard – Christmas Cards by Tenille Townes.  The words are endearing and almost like they fell right out of my mouth.

To have a listen – click the photo to the left.

With days away from Christmas, my wish for you is to send out a card.  That first person that popped into your head right now… send them one.  You never know what that may mean in their busy lives.  Or what that may do to their empty heart.  You just may provide a special Christmas gift to them.  Lift their spirits. Provide them with hope.   Provide them with love.

Isn’t that what Christmas is all about?  Hope and Love.  

The hope in something bigger and the love of others. 

As we settle into this Christmas season, my wish for you is that your home is blessed with paper cards in your mailbox and that your heart is filled with love from those near and far.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and to quote Tenille Townes once more  – “Thank you for the picture, thank you for the past, and I hope you smile as easy in between the camera flash.  So here’s to another year, here’s to our memory. I think of you sometimes, and I’m glad you think of me.”

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