Monthly Archive: March 2020


You’re Only What?????

Embrace your ‘only’. Because to others, you are somebody. Your ‘only’ is made up of a million little things – a million puzzle pieces to create/build/encompass who YOU are.

meal prep with teenage son

My 16 Year Old Son Could Eat A Horse!

I have a teenage son who apparently I cannot keep full. Do you have teenage boys? If so, you may understand. They are hungry ALL THE TIME. Luckily, he is health conscious. He LOVES to eat balanced, healthy meals that include protein.


Summer in NYC: A 4 Day Itinerary

We travelled as a family of 4 to NYC in July 2017. I spent plenty of days, hours, and minutes planning this trip. We are big movie/tv buffs so we decided to incorporate our vacation into seeing the top film/tv shooting sites of interest to us.